This YouTube video gives an idea of the great motivational value of this type of presentations.
The following powerpoint presentations are using video-clips that in most cases are linked to the ppt-file.
In presentations before 2012 the corresponding videos have to be downloaded together with the ppt-file for the presentations to work.
If they are put in the same folder as the powerpoint presentation, they will be started automatically.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (16 Mb):
This presentation was given to a group of Swedish visitors to CERN in 2007. It is a modified version of a talk
by Stefan Ask who used a couple of video clips instead of photos. This version of the talk used the video clips
1 to 4 in the list below.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (32 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school teachers visiting CERN in October of 2009. It uses video clips 3, 5-12.
The program for the Swedish teachers can be found
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (16 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students visiting CERN in May of 2009. It uses video clips 3, 5-12, 33-34.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (16 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students visiting CERN in June of 2009. It uses video clips 3, 5-12, 33-34.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (18 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students from Malmö in April of 2010. It uses video clips 3, 5-12, 25, 33, 35-38.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (16 Mb):
The Australian version. It uses video clips 3, 5-12, 25, 35-38, 40. A shorter version was shown in Warrnambool in July 2010 (12 Mb):
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (17 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students from Malmö in May of 2011. It uses video clips 3, 5-8, 10-12, 25, 33, 35-37, 39-43.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (19 Mb):
The presentation also exist with the video embedded in the powerpoint file (342 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students from Tranemo in March of 2012. It uses video clips 3, 5-8, 10-12, 25, 33, 35-37, 39-43, 46-50.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (19 Mb):
The presentation also exist with the video embedded in the powerpoint file (342 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students from Malmö in May of 2012. It uses video clips 3, 5-8, 10-12, 25, 33, 35-37, 39-43, 46-50.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (342 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students from Lund in September of 2012.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (405 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students doing a
Master Class in Lund in March of 2013.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (470 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Tranemo in March of 2013.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (470 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Karlstad in April of 2013.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A video presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (368 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in September of 2013.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A video presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (368 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Lund in October of 2013.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Norrtälje in March of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in March of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students in the Comenius project from Belgium, France, Germany, Slovakia and Sweden in April of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Karlstad in April of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in September of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (485 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Lund in November of 2014.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (405 Mb):
This presentation was given to high school students doing a
Master Class in Lund in March of 2015.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (487 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö and Lund in April of 2016.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (487 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in September of 2016.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (487 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to a group from a company in Lund in September of 2016.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (429 Mb):
A presentation shown to high school students from Lund in April of 2017.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (518 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in September of 2017.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (577 Mb):
A presentation shown to high school students from Lund in April of 2018.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (506 Mb):
cern_2019_1.pptx &
(pdf-version without video)
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in September of 2019.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (595 Mb):
cern_2022_1.pptx &
(pdf-version without video)
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in April of 2022.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (595 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in April of 2023.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (595 Mb):
This presentation was given at CERN to high school students from Malmö in April of 2024.
"LEP, DELPHI and the Z boson"
presentation to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN during 1996-2002
(slides from 2002 in pdf)
"What does a particle physicist do ?"
presentation to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN during 1996-2002
(slides from 2002 in pdf)
LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about LHC and ATLAS (25 Mb):
A longer and more technical version of the presentation with more video clips (3 and 5-33)
were shown to undergraduate students from Chalmers Institute of technology who were visiting CERN in 2008.
LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about LHC and ATLAS (25 Mb):
The power point file above and the video clips 3, 5-33 described below
were used in a presentation of LHC
and ATLAS to Swedish undergraduate students at Lund university in February 2009.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (23 Mb):
A slightly modified presentation was shown to students from Chalmers in December of 2009.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-33, 35 and 37-38.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (24 Mb):
A pdf-version of the presentation without film clips was also made: cern_2010_lund_students.pdf
An updated version of the above presentation was shown to students from Lund in February of 2010.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-32 and 37-39.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (19 Mb):
A shorter version of the above presentation was shown to students from Chalmers in June of 2010.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-24, 28-32 and 35-38.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (17 Mb):
An updated version of the above presentation was shown to students from Chalmers in December of 2010.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-20, 29-32, 35-38 and 41-43.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (17 Mb):
A pdf-version of the presentation without film clips was also made: cern_2011_lund_students.pdf
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in March of 2011.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-9, 11-15, 21-24, 29-32, 37-38 and 41-43.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (18 Mb):
Presentation to students from Chalmers in June of 2011.
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-8, 10-20, 29-32, 35-37 and 41-43.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (18 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in February of 2012.
A pdf-version of the presentation without film clips was also made: atlas_handouts_2012.pdf
The presentation uses video clips 3, 5-9, 11-15, 21-24, 29-32, 37-38 and 41-47.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (442 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in February of 2013.
A pdf-version of the presentation without film clips: atlas_handouts_2013.pdf
CERN, LHC & ATLAS - A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (446 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in February of 2015.
A pdf-version of the presentation without film clips: atlas_handouts_2013.pdf
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (429 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in November of 2015.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (521 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in November of 2016.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (416 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in November of 2018.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (429 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in April of 2022.
CERN, LHC & ATLAS A powerpoint presentation about CERN, LHC and ATLAS (429 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in April of 2023.
LHC, ATLAS & LUCID A powerpoint presentation about LHC, ATLAS & LUCID (276 Mb):
A presentation shown to students at Lund University in October of 2023.
Video clip 1. Animation of protons going around the CERN accelerators & a black hole event (6 Mb - 540x540):
Video clip 2. Animation of particles interacting in a wedge of the ATLAS detector (6 Mb - 720x480):
Video clip 42. Spiral galaxy (2 Mb - 720x576):
Video clip 43. Tim Berner-Lee (11 Mb - 768x576):
Video clip 44. Animation of the CERN accelerator complex (10 Mb - 768x576):
Video clip 45. ATLAS event with two high-energy photons (31 Mb - 1280x720):
Video clip 46. ATLAS event with two Z0 bosons (34 Mb - 1280x720):
Video clip 47. ATLAS heavy ion collision (43 Mb - 1280x720):
Video clip 48. Faraday (2 Mb - 768x576):
Video clip 49. Pictures from the Hubble telescope (13 Mb - 768x576):
Video clip 50. The OPERA experiment (19 Mb - 1292x728):
Video clip 51. Animation of the CERN accelerator complex (30 Mb - 1920x1080):
Video clip 52. Animation of the LHC experiments (53 Mb - 1920x1080):
Video clip 53. Animation of a LHC cavity (11 Mb - 1920x1080):
Video clip 54. The 2012 Higgs seminar at CERN (41 Mb - 1280x720):
all video clips are available in one large zip file (623 Mb) for easier download.
Most of the animations in the video clips above comes from the following two films from 2006:
ATLAS experiment - Episode 1 - A new hope
by Barnett, Johansson et al.CERN-MOVIE-2006-018 ATLAS experiment - Episode 2 - The particles strikes back
by Barnett, Johansson et al.CERN-MOVIE-2006-019